Saturday, November 24, 2012

It’s All Up To Zeller

You aren't gonna be under tonight if all plays out right.

As usual, the Cavs lost last night.  I don’t feel like pouring over the game, so I’ll just give the Fuck Truck driver award out for it.  For the record, the Cavs lost  not because they played worse than Orlando  but because they didn’t play as complete of a game as Orlando (This article is good summary of what that means    Dion Waiters gets the award for having 25 points, but along with this award comes an admonishment.  Mr. Waiters needs to become more efficient and drive so he gets some easier points: it’s unacceptable to take 11 threes.  He did have five assists; this is lovely for me since it’s playing into my early prediction about him growing with Kyrie out.

I’d like to look forward to tonight’s game against the Lebron Heat.  I haven’t watched much of the Heat this year, but I caught the Memphis game they lost.  If the Cavs want any hope of winning tonight, they will need to penetrate and get Varejao and Thompson the ball.  The Heat have trouble with big men.  I think tonight could be a great chance for Tyler Zeller to go off and maybe cause an upset. 

If Zeller can hit his 18 footer, which he’s been having trouble on, the Heat's limited size big is going to have to step out a little more.  This will free up the hoop for Waiters to penetrate and hopefully score or dump off to Varejao or Thompson.  I really think if we win tonight it will be because of Zeller though; Bosh is going to have even less skills as a defender if he isn’t even in the vicinity of the rim to be protected.

I’d also like to see Boobie Gibson get a few more shots this game to hopefully work through his elbow issue and get back into the shooting grove.  I think the Cavs ultimately lose this with the final score being 94-107.  I’m going to give out my first approved bet of the year.  The Cavs are getting 15 points tonight, so they will have to mess up a ton to lose by that much.  With Kyrie out, there isn’t as much standing around and awe-struck players on the team, so the chances of things totally falling apart are less (although the chances of things totally clicking are absent). 

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