Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankfully Omri Makes Me Feel Good

One of the worst things about graduating college when you’re a male that loves basketball is completely realizing you will never ever become a professional basketball player.  I can no longer be offered a walk-on spot (while I’m draining set shots in the gym where a college coach is looking for a spot shooter because his best one is suspended for a drug problem), then a scholarship, and finally become a lottery player all during my senior year.  Omri Casspi, however, changes my feelings and gives me hope to still play my way onto a D-League and finally a pro team.   Casspi is terrible, just terrible enough to make me think I might be better than him.  Casspi air balled his first three shot (I could clank it), and when I think of my fondest Casspi moments a few of them involve clanking dunks and even getting the ball stuck between rim and backboard.  I do that stuff all of the time.  Thanks, Casspi.

Unfortunately, seeing Casspi play so bad was the best part of the night for aspiring Cavs fans.  Our bigs suck at offense.  Tristan Thompson does the same thing Dwight Howards used to do a lot where he brings the ball down low before trying to shoot.  This results in the ball getting stripped a ton, especially for Thompson who doesn’t possess as much strength Howard.  Thompson should stick to getting garbage points and try to put his shots up quicker so he produces off of Kyrie’s semi open drop offs (rather then just open).  

Samardo Samuels forgets to roll off of picks and stands around after setting them.  He could have gotten a few more points if he rolled better.  On a side note, is Samardo actually good?  A few of my coworkers in Chicago seem to think he is a beast and not in a funny way.

As always, the no-forward Miles was terrible.  Dion Waiters also had a bad shooting night, but I like the amount of shots he took because it made Alonzo Gee take less shots (only 4).  It also made me appreciate Gee a little:  he can actually play defense.  He stays in front of his man for sure.

The biggest issue tonight was our all around defense.  Anderson Varejao must hold our guys accountable or his effort is infectious when he is on the floor.  No one even made an effort to look like they were playing defense; Kyrie and Waiters would lose their guys on defense and then just look at them while they took an open shot.  They wouldn’t even try to run at them for the attempt at contesting. 

Both of them also made the men on the Warriors setting picks look ten feet wide.  Kyrie and Waiters are both athletic, so they should run over the pick rather then just stopping and watching the open shot get launched.  Thompson also struggled on defense not knowing when to rotate and help on the guards driving or when to just stand with his hands up and not go for a block.  I think Varejao helps Thompson out a ton by taking the skilled player in the paint and directing him a little bit on where to rotate when necessary.   

Wanna here a joke?  How do you drive on Dion Waiters and Kyrie Irving?  Just move to the left or right of them. 

The Fuck Truck driver of the night is Jon Leuer. He gets it tonight because he showed effort.  He tried to stay with his man and didn’t play that bad of defense.  He was usually in front of who he covered and boxed out on defense.  It also seemed like he hustled for the loose balls.  Jon Leuer needs to do what he do because he ripped on NBA 2k11 with the Bucks.  He makes open shots on the video game, and since the Cavs are a lot better on the game than real life, Jon Leuer should just shoot more and pretend he’s a virtual version of himself.    

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