Sunday, November 11, 2012

Who Do You Think Are, Mr. Miles and Mr. Gee?

Watching the Cavs play the Suns and lose the game after having a 37-16 lead at the end of the first quarter, made me sad.  It was depressing one so many levels: we had a giant 26 point lead was the number one level.  I was going to write about how we had won the turnover margin and had the offensive boards advantage, but we didn’t.  They had 17 turnovers, we had 20.  We had 9 offensive boards, they had 12.  Maybe Phoenix did deserve to win just for sticking in and fighting back a little?

Here’s ten things I took away from the game.

1.     Why does Alonzo Gee think he is Kobe Bryant?  He took two ridiculous Kobe back down turn around shots early in the game.  One went in.
2.     Daniel Gibson turned the ball over two times in a row right when he entered the game and pretended to be a point guard.  There is no need for this considering he shot 7-9 for 19 points;  he needs to just get open shots
3.     We have to watch our turnovers because that’s what keeps teams in against us.  The Suns got a lot of easy points from us throughout the game, specifically the third
4.     Varejao gets our defense rotating a lot more appropriately and not over committing on help defense.  It is also nice to see our guys running towards open shooters trying to at least alter their shots.  This statement is valid for the first and second quarters, while this statement is a bold faced lie for the third and fourth quarters.
5.     Byron Scott takes timeouts when necessary for our team.  He always takes a time out when a team gets a quick two or three buckets on us because he realizes that we are too young to have our morale completely drained without consequence. He forgot this in the fourth when our second team stopped scoring and couldn’t play any defense from turning over the ball so much. 
6.     The second possession of the 3rd quarter we had two offensive rebounds and didn’t score.  That’s pathetic. 
7.     Alonzo Gee is not Kobe Bryant, Lou Williams, or anyone that can score remotely efficiently.  In fact all of our small forwards are no-forwards.  No progress is made by them: they shot 5-20 on the whole night.  CJ Miles went 0-7.  This is unacceptable alone, but it is made more unacceptable because he doesn’t even play defense like Gee.  So, I say “CJ Miles should get no more miles!”
8.     The American headbands make the game seem likes it’s from an eighties movie.  Dion Waiters can be Rambo.
9.     Irving has a knack for getting threes and setting people up at the perfect time when the game is getting away.  Dion Waiters is the same way.  He brought it back nicely in the fourth with some timely jumpers.
10.   We’ve lost two games on the last play.  This won’t always be the case hopefully.

The Fuck Truck driver of the night is Dion Waiters.  He is turning into a fearless scorer these days shooting 9-13 along with two assists and one turnover; he is really good at coming off the pick and keeping the defender on edge.  He gets space by having the ability to drive and keep the defender on him afraid to play up.  I want to see him take more shots, so Gee and Miles can not take any. 

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