Monday, November 5, 2012

Crazy (Good) Players

A Haiku about Ricky Davis

Yo Tricky Ricky,
Intense Cav,  I remember
Your Triple Double.

Speaking of crazy (good) players, Delonte West is available.  I still think West is one of the best defensive guards and a decent play maker.  The Cavs should really consider picking him up to lead our second squad.  West and Donald Sloan could really lock down the other teams' guards, which would help the Cavs lack of offensive production from the bench.  West could also produce some nice set ups and actually make some plays for himself.  He has a good ability to get to the basket off the dribble; he can make open threes too.

West also fits with Cleveland’s culture.  We only want a dedicated player, and we will support him no matter how nutty he is.  I loved West as a Cav.  He is flawed, but full of potential just like this city and team as a whole.  Although he has mental issues, they generally stay off of the court, and people make a big deal out of them for more of a voyeur reason than NBA reason.  On top of everything like an NBA job, West could definitely find housing in Cleveland.  There are hundreds of vacant places. 

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