Sunday, November 4, 2012

Crazy Nights

I decided to steal Bill Simmons's form of making a live journal for the Cavs-Bucks game. 

Right before the game starts, I turn league pass on and I’m perplexed by the fact that the NBA has such terrible screen holders and filler music.  They need to man up and buy some good music.  When the announcers come on, I get mad because Austin Carr isn’t the announcer since it’s an away game.  Austin sounded regenerated the other night, happy, exuberant, during the DC game.  We played good, but I think someone found a new Prozac combo. 

The Game Introductions:

Marquis Daniels looks like a drug dealer.  Has Drew Gooden played on half of the NBA’s teams yet? 

The Bucks have a pretty decent team. Ilyasova is sneaky good.  I hope that Monta Ellis and Brandon Jennings freeze each other out for touches since it’s a contract year for both of them.

Why does every single stadium play sandstorm?  If you pick a team on league pass, you should get the choice of which announcers you hear.  The Bucks guys can’t pronounce Varejao right.

Tip off:
We lose.  We are going to need our forwards to score because our guards are going to be gassed playing defense.  Jennings is creating?  Shit.

First Cavs basket is gorgeous off Kyrie post move. 

10:50 Gee is already pissing me off.  He’s lucky he got fouled because you don’t spin into three guys in the paint. 

Gorgeous alley opp from the steal.  That’s how we need to play help D all of the time.  Rotate the bare minimum of men.

10:07 We get so many offensive boards it’s insane.  Now if only we could score from them. 

9:13 This is how we beat the Wizards.  We are pushing it really hard and not as reckless.  I like the rotations on defense today.  We aren’t getting ourselves too deep for the fastbreak.

Nice dunk, Harris over Varejao. 

Not worried about Ellis scoring all the points.  He can’t win it with what they have on their team. 

8:06 GEET the fuck off the floor.  Quit driving into the center and paint you turd. 

6:48 Varejao is getting pretty good at making the right passes down low to Thompson.  We’re moving and looking for open shots.  It’s nice. 

16-8 already.  This is how hard we should push it every game.

Varejao seems like he is just always in the right place all of the time.  He can’t play offense on his own, but is definitely one of the best garbage point getters in the league. 

5:40  What the fuck is this MIO drink that is being pimped out all over TV.  I kind of want to try it.  The question is does it taste like grape Kool-Aid.

4:45 Dam Irving has a little post game.  Nice banker.

Gee is making some passes.  He is still terrifying every time he touches the ball though.

2:50 We are not taking care of the ball.  I wonder what Austin Carr is saying about this.  “You got to protect the ball. Oh no Booby.”

Coming out of the timeout
Why is Luke Walton handling the Ball?  He has it ripped.  I’m so surprised.

2:11 What the FUCK?  DON’T foul ON A THREE CJ MILES.  CJ Miles and Gee are going to combine to be the most frustrating forward pair of the league as far as stupid penalties go.

Rule number one of being Luke Walton.  Don’t shoot the ball.
#2 Don’t dribble the ball.

Shit Sanders just had a nice dunk.  Donald Sloan silences the dunk with a three. Thank you.

How did the Bucks get within two?  Tyler Zeller is going to be good.  He has a nice 18 footer and can jog around.  He’ll tire some centers out. 

2nd Quarter
Luke is violating all the rules of being himself and Zeller just can’t seem to figure out when to rotate and when not to on defense. 

10:40 I don’t want to watch the Cavs without the lead the rest of the night.  28-27.

CJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.  Don’t drive into one person taller than you, let alone three.  Also, just because you miss a basket on offense doesn’t mean you don’t have to cover your man on the next possession.  I’d normally be happy he’s benched but it just means Gee is back on the floor.  He looks sad on the bench. 

7:50 The bucks are up by ten.  Why isn’t Irving on Floor? Why isn’t Waiters on the Floor?  And why is Walton violating all of his rules.  Nice brick!
6:46 Irving keeps hitting key shots.  We were 0/7 before hit the three.  Now, we have to push it and get some easy points.  Nice, they actually ran it up the floor. 

Side thought:  Beno Udrih is sorta good.
5:28 I love when we get steals even if it is Gee who gets them.

4:54 Waiters is simply amazing.  The defense just seems to split open for him off the pick and roll.  He avoids contact like Rose on layups. 

Mike Dunleavy looks like a dirty car mechanic or Tony Soprano’s cousin that’s played by Steve Buscemi. 

3:06 Can Varejao jump when he shoots.  His floaters are so funny looking.

1:28 Dion Waiters is being a lot more aggressive.  It’s nice to see him take some shots and drive the ball more tonight. 

Half Time:  How does Gee have sixteen already.  Waiters only has three.  At least Gee isn’t taking as many dumb shots tonight.

I now get to go to work for the overnight shift. 

Home again, I’m super excited to see the second half.  I was checking the score of the game on the way into work and I thought we ended the game going into overtime.  That’s what the score center app seemed to be saying, but later in the night I looked to see the Bucks won it in regulation.

3rd Quarter
Kyrie Irving and Varejao just click together now with the pick n roll. 

He’s on Fire! Varejao is the true wild man.  Now, he gets a follow up basket. 

9:40 I like that Waiters if finally pushing it and taking some shots

9:13 The Cavs big men are deadly running the floor.  It seems like Thompson or Zeller is always going to be there for the easy dish.

7:35 I love seeing all these offensive boards.  We have to be pissing the Bucks off. 
Jennings is a lucky fellow.  No one recalls his shitty haircuts and he gets nice floaters to fall. 

Both teams are just playing solid basketball.

5:22 I don’t want Waiters to be afraid to drive after being ripped.

4:10 Varejao is a fucking beast.  Spin move to a nice scoop shot. 

1:39 Dunleavy is clutch.  He is scoring a ton tonight.  He’s going to beat the Cavs single handedly.

4th Quarter
8:17 Dion Waiters is a jump shoota!

6:00 Both teams are just running it on the offensive.  This is a great watch.  I like how the momentum is slightly shifting back and forth.

3:08 Varejao saves the play and oh shit Gee fucks it up.  What a surprise.

2:45 At least Larry Sanders and Dunleavy are gonna beat us and not Ellis. 

I’m getting too excited.  I’m going to just fast-forward to the end and figure out we blew it.

37.8 Kyrie gets to the line and we’re now down by two.  Kyrie knows what he has to do to win games; he’s playing like a man.

Varejao plays nice man on man D off of the pick on Ellis. This sucks that the Wild Thing let the ball go between his hands on the air ball.

Down 2.  Yes…. Jennings doesn’t beat the buzzer off of the inbound.  We have the ball.

Irving has apparently scored the last 11 points now for us.  Make that 13.  He has a gorgeous layup.  Kyrie is clutch.

Now there’s .7 left.  It’s going to be hard for them to beat us.  The inbound and Jennings hits the three.  OH Fuck beluga.  How did he shoot it so fast?  It’s official; Brandon Jennings is the new Ray Allen.  Kyrie just lost his man sort of.  The shot was still contested a little though, so luck beat us tonight.  How many times will Brandon Jennings make that shot if we replayed this game?

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